EVINCE 2K23 version 10.0, as the name suggest and the motto paving its path ahead, is a three day techno-managerial fest designed to empower a legacy of innovators through activities that inspire youth, honour role models and encourage creativity and problem solving skills in today's digital world. The video will give you a quick glance of the event.
Evince 2k23 Poster
Workshops are designed to provide a sequential path through career development knowledge and skills,it will introduce the basic components of critical thinking and ways to make the design effective.This tme team Evince in collabration with Innovians technologies is organizing a 3day hands on workshop on IoT based on RaspberryPi,
in association with IIT VARANASI.
*Registrations will be done by first serve basis.
*Team should consists of a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5members.
Follow us online to find out when we launch.